The first 3 years we were in business we were located next door to family owned Nancy's Home Cooking. When anyone asked for directions to SoBo, we just said "next to Nancy's". The stories I could tell about working next door to this landmark restaurant...the diverse crowd Nancy's attracted, the incredible amount of chicken and noodles that could be consumed on a single Thursday and the look on the customer's face when the closed sign was posted. Most importantly the true heart of Cindy, Ed, Chip and the rest of the crew at Nancy's!
To the dismay of many, Nancy's closed their doors this summer after being in business for over 30 years. The current sign says "opening soon" and I can't wait to see the line out the door when they do so.
I'm not sure when local artist
Curtis Goldstein painted this street scene of the famous eatery and the first SoBo Style store front but I sure wish I could get a copy!
Oh that is lovely!!!!
I love it---showed it to Mike, he lived right above Nancy's when we first started dating in 1989! OH the aromas on sunday morning!
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