Feb 5, 2014

Be Mine

With all the blues and grays that have been filling our winter skies we could use some red and pink to make us feel warm and fuzzy. From heart shaped necklaces to heart shaped glass boxes we are here to help you find something your sweetheart will love. 
Velvet pumpkins, dried pink pepper berries and a heart shaped box on our stacked Ohio made cake plates.

A mini notebook filled with quotes will help you write some sweet nothings for your Valentine.

Cold cream jars refashioned into photo or card holders.

There is more than one way to use a vintage Valentine. 

Mailing sets with cards, stickers and stamps makes writing valentines as fun as receiving them. 

Wear your heart around your neck with this initial and heart necklace.
Our aim (insert Cupid joke here) for Valentines Day well, every holiday for that matter, is to bring you something different. Just before the snow melts and the birds start singing, our Valentines gifts add a unique touch to your decor after the holiday season. At SoBo Style we can find something that strikes the right cord, or maybe in this case heartstring.

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